Traffic Monsoon

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

SAP Website Login Certificate (Single Sign-On)

One annoying problem I had with the SAP website was the number of times I have to enter my username and password while browsing through this site.
If for example I wanted to browse to the product availability matrix ( I would see the following.
Clicking ok on the above message led me to my login prompt.

Once I had logged in, if I wanted to browse to for example , then I would be requested the above information again. Clearly this can become annoying.

To get around this, SAP provides us with ability to use single sign on. This can be found the “SAP Trust Center Services” website which can be found at
  • When this page loads, click on the link “Single sign-on in the SAP Service Marketplace with your SAP password” which can be found under the “Service Corner” section.
  • Again under the “Service Corner” section, click on “Apply for an SAP passport”
  • Type in your password and click “Apply for SAP Passport”
  • Click “Yes” on the potential security violation message. This will be displayed twice.
  • Click “yes” on the next message to install the certificate.
  • You will now be redirected to the certificate installed confirmation page.

We now need to test to confirm this has worked.

  • Close all internet browsers.
  • Launch your internet browser and browse to
  • In the “Choose a digital certificate” message, you can see your certificate, click ok and you should be straight into the SAP website.

I hope this saves you some time.


  1. though not often visiting sap marketplace site, I also had to enter login details many times in each new screen. I knew there was of course a solution for this but did not have change to read anyone. thanks for submitting this post to my site and letting me and other visitors for this solution

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for the post, let me also take the opportunity to complement it with a post from my blog, which covers the same topic but with a more screenshot approach.

    Many thanks for the trackback.

    Antonio Caldas

  3. That's useful technic. It will save my time. Thanks for this tip.

  4. Great and simple to use post, just the right amount of screenshots and text. I was able to follow your example and get everything working in less than five minutes.
